237.131 Conversations in Creative Cultures 237.131 Studio Notes Bachelor of Fine Arts

237.131 – Week #2 Notes

Week #2: Mana Whenua

Group work

What my table group learnt from reading “Introduction to the Oxford Illustrated History of Science”:

  1. Science has become disconnected from culture.
  2. Science explains physical and spiritual things.
  3. Science explains models and the different ways of explaining models.
  4. Science is always adapting.
  5. Science sums up the way in which we make sense of the world around us.
  6. Science is a uniquely human activity.
  7. Most of what we know now will become false in the future.

Huhana Smith interview

(Video on Youtube but unlisted)

  • Rehabilitating the stream using matauranga Maori approach.
  • Harakeke (NZ Flax) Indigenous plant.
  • Doing this to keep contact between community and land.
  • Creating “pa harakeke”.
  • Harvest the harakeke and use if for making things, e.g. fibres for cloth, etc.
  • Harakeke also has medicinal uses.
  • Getting artists and artisans involved in responding to the project.
  • Pushing the design aspects of the task through Massey, e.g. textile engineers, designers, etc.

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