Wiki tua iwa, Akomanga tua tahi
Considering the works of Pati Solomona Tyrell (3) and Angela de la Cruz (4).
Use the other artist’s method to produce your own work. Document both resulting works and archive into your workbook/blog
3rd Artist: Pati Solomona Tyrell
… I was thinking about where we sit in Samoan culture and society, and where we sit as gender-diverse people. I feel like we’re kind of at the bottom, with no power. So I wanted to reverse that, and bring that power back.
These Shapeshifting Photos Reclaim Power for Gender-Diverse Pacific Peoples. Accessed 26 Sept. 2021.
Digital work using flocking and fluid motion to spell and re-spell a glossary of LGBTQ+ terms.
4th Artist: Angela de la Cruz
Another thing I’ve always said is that a painting always has to be a painting. Everything must be able to return to its original state and return to being a painting. I think of them like a body with a deformity, or a body missing a leg, but then you put on a prosthetic leg to walk. I also like to think of my paintings like the parable of the prodigal son: whenever they want, they can return.
‘Ángela de La Cruz’. Site-Specific Conversation, Accessed 26 Sept. 2021.

Angela de la Cruz uses humour in her work. After having a stroke she is also living with disability, so, I added something to this piece that would only really be seen if you approached it in a wheelchair: