Session 4: How do we know? Part 1
Start to consider how we acquire, understand and apply information. Information comes to us via all kinds of sources and systems of knowledge.
‘Artefact’ discussion: Exploring worldviews
Rewatching clips in class.
What’s a worldview?
- A viewpoint from which you see same info, but with different filters?
- A set of beliefs and prejudices?
- A perception?
- How people believe things should happen?
- A way in which an individual sees the world around them?
- Religion? Spirituality?
- Can’t grow up without some kind of worldview, but it is individual.
- Morals, culture, sciences, class, economics, education, gender, race, age.
What worldviews are encountered?
- Accidental arrival vs voyaging/travelling
- Navigational: Spiritual vs Scientific
- Documentary makers view: compare 16th Maori navigation vs Viking navigation
- Documentary makers and emotional manipulation
- Museum curation vs indigenous culture
- Museum people and patronization
- Museum have power to control the narrative and tell the story on their terms
In what ways is information shared and passed down?
- Oral history, books, memories, etc.
Communicating knowledge: Oral traditions
Something somebody told you…
Cake! Dick has a theory that cake(yes, cake!) is “deep knowledge” and is reflective of the patriarchy… Might want to review Dick’s theory…
Why is oral history and knowledge so important in indigenous societies?
Embodied knowledge and discussion of Richard Sennett’s ‘The Craftsman’ interview article.
- Considering how to learn to walk
- How to drive
- How to ride a bicycle
- Humour? Learning it through interaction with others.
- Musical instrument
- Empathy? Body language?
- How to tie your shoelaces!
Consider lockdown and how that affected embodied knowledge.
Introduce independent study