
Oil exercise

Practice vs Product

Getting back into oils, trying to exercise specific skills rather than completing work. This one had two aims:

  1. Mix for correct tone (less concerned about hue).
  2. Work in a painterly manner; no blending allowed.

Toned canvas panel, sketch in burnt umber with turps.

Which paint?

I have more than one set of oils. I can’t afford to use “Gucci” paint all the time, so for practice pieces I have honking big 200ml tubes of Pebeo XL.

I favour a limited palette: a slight variation on the Draw Mix Paint (alternative) palette, so a mix of alizarin crimson and cadmium light red hue, primary cadmium yellow hue, ultramarine blue, titanium white, burnt umber.

Criticisms: shadow’s too dark, pear’s a little flat, could not get the correct hue for green/blue shadow areas at the left of the pear; on the positive side: the tones are OK, no blending.

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